Top 8 Industries Transformed by 3D Scanning Technology
In recent years, 3D scanning has emerged as a key component of Industry 4.0. The significant boost in productivity provided by 3D scanners, which capture accurate measurements and create detailed 3...
You may already know about the best practices for using a structured light 3D scanner to create high-quality 3D models. However, because laser 3D scanning operates slightly differently from structu...
Tips to Maximize Your 3D Scanning Efficiency
When considering 3D scanning for your next project, one of the first questions you might have is: how long does it take? This depends on factors such as the type of scanner, the object, and the des...
Advancements in technology have made 3D modeling more accessible and affordable, encouraging wider participation. A 2021 Statista report highlights significant growth in the global 3D modeling mark...
How Does 3D Scanning Spray Improve Your 3D Scanning Results?
Scanning sprays work by creating an "optically cooperative surface" that interacts optimally with light for 3D scanning. At the molecular level, these sprays form a uniform layer of particles, prod...
What drives someone to 3D scan a person? Lust for gold? Power? Or does it just save them a ton of time? It’s probably the third one, but you never can honestly know. The popularity of 3D scanning p...